DATE Function


The Excel DATE function creates a valid date from individual year, month, and day components. The DATE function is useful for assembling dates that need to change dynamically based on other values in a worksheet.


Return Value

Create a date with year, month, and day

A valid Excel date


  • year – Number for year.
  • month – Number for month.
  • day – Number for day.

How to Use

XLOOKUP is a modern replacement for the VLOOKUP function. It is a flexible and versatile function that can be used in a wide variety of situations. XLOOKUP can find values in vertical or horizontal ranges, can perform approximate and exact matches, and supports wildcards (* ?) for partial matches. In addition, XLOOKUP can perform a reverse search and offers a super-fast binary search option when working with large datasets. Watch the video below for a short demo of XLOOKUP in action:

Example #1 – basic exact match

By default, XLOOKUP will perform an exact match. In the example below, XLOOKUP is used to retrieve the Sales amount from column E based on an exact match on the Movie in column B. The formula in H5 is:
